Exercise and Workout,

It's All About Energy... Tune Your Vibrations With Sound

2:47 AM ثانوية أحد الإعدادية 0 Comments

Did you know, you and everyone else is made up of energy vibrations?
Every thing within the Universe, animated or unanimated, solid matter and mere thought, is made up from, and held together with energy. Yes, it�s true. The chair you are sitting in, the music you might be listening to, the food you ate for dinner, and even your neighbor's cat... everything is essentially made of and held together with energy.

Within this energy, very small particles of matter vibrate at specific frequencies, which in turn manifest into different physical and nonphysical forms. Physical objects, sound and light, and even our thoughts and dreams are permeated with, formed by, and projected out into reality by Energy.
Our physical bodies have a slower vibration, while our emotions and thoughts have a higher and faster vibration. Therefore, the slower the vibration, the more dense and solid the matter appears, and, the higher the vibration, the less solid, like in the case of our thoughts and feelings (which are similar in density to sound and light).

Our bodies (which are permeated with and held together by energy) will tend to resonate with the sympathetic vibration of our feelings and thoughts (thus, our physical bodies are actually influenced by, and even formed by our thoughts and emotions). Our bodies will also pick up on the energies that are around us, and also, attract people "resonating" at a similar frequency. That is the reason behind the idea "Like Attracts Like".

So how can we elevate what our bodies attract, and attract people and events that will help to advance us? We can elevate our vibrations by elevating our thoughts and emotions. Sounds simple, doesn't it? If we can learn to control our thoughts and emotions, it will create higher vibrations. These higher vibrations will allow us to tap into the vibrations of the Universe to bring about all what we want by manifesting our desires... but you probably have already tried to "control" your thoughts and emotions, and know how far that kind of "control" goes....

Exposing your mind and body directly to a positive resonant frequency through the use of sound therapy techniques can be a viable short cut to changing your own resonant frequency. Think about it- sound is a fundamental and uniting resonant energy, and used correctly, it can directly and positively effect your own resonate frequency very quickly and easily.

Binaural beats can very directly and easily influence your vibration positively. If two different tones are played into each ear, the brain attempts to find a balance- for example, if the frequency of sound in your left ear is 420Hz, and the frequency you're hearing in your right ear is 430Hz, your brain will process a binaural beat of about 10Hz. It's been discovered that these beats can be used to elicit responses in the brain; the brain becomes "entrained", which means it starts to resonate at the same frequency as the binaural beat. When this happens, it can change the brain wave patterns in your brain temporarily. 

This has been shown to have a huge effect- it's been shown that binaural beats are highly effective at inducing meditative and hypnotic states. This is a great breakthrough for anyone wants to meditate, but didn't have the time or teacher to learn how. This type of meditation is also more effective than usual meditation because of the binaural beats. 

It can reduce your stress levels, the amount of sleep you need, and it can increase such things as intelligence, intuition and creativity, and a creative Sound Therapist can further fine tune the frequencies of the sound to �put you in tune� with the more intangible vibrations of success, happiness, and much more.

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