Stay Healthy and Fit

What Body Needs to Stay Healthy

9:51 AM ثانوية أحد الإعدادية 0 Comments

So many people now find themselves in poor health as they age. Often they have regrets about poor lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, poor diet, no exercise and for allowing stress to get the best of them. If you can understand now, and put into practice, steps to stay healthy, you will be in a better position to preserve your quality of life. You might also be able to avoid chronic illness, allowing you to age gracefully.


To stay healthy, your body needs an "adequate" diet that provides enough calories, essential vitamins and minerals, and fiber to keep you in top shape. You need a "balanced" diet of nutrient-dense foods, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Next, you need a "varied" diet, including a wide variety of foods to get all of the essential nutrients that your body needs. Finally, you need to avoid taking in more calories than you need to stay healthy; this is called eating in "moderation."


While some people look at "exercise" as a bad word, one to avoid at all cost, it can save your life, if not improve your quality of life as you age. Experts once believed that exercise had to be strenuous, painful and intense enough to leave you breathless, to be of any value. That is not at all the case. According to Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publication, the key to exercising for health is to use your large muscle groups in a regular, repetitive manner on a daily basis. Physical activity, along with a healthy diet, provides a substantial health benefit.

Peace of Mind

Anxiety, stress, phobias, fears and worry can all affect your health. All of these conditions increase your body's need for vitamin B complex, especially pantothenic acid, which plays a vital role in producing anti-stress hormones. All of these issues drain your energy and interfere with your daily activities. The good news is that anxiety, stress, fears and worry are all behaviors, some learned, which can be corrected. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, effective therapies exist to treat every one of these issues, allowing you to get your life back into balance.

Restful Sleep

To stay healthy and be at the top of your game, you need uninterrupted, restful sleep. The normal sleep cycle includes four distinct stages of progressively deeper sleep, allowing the body to slowly fall into a deep sleep called REM, or rapid eye movement. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleeping disorders can have a profound effect on your life and health. Being tired during the day because of a restless night can cause safety issues such as auto accidents, and accidents at work and at home.

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