Toxic Rip-Offs,

Avoid The Top 10 Toxic Rip-Offs

9:28 AM ثانوية أحد الإعدادية 0 Comments

Toxic household products not only put your family's health at risk, they also charge you more to do it. Try these better, safer alternatives.

The Rip-Off: Microwave Popcorn

The Problem: While popcorn is a great snack, those microwavable bags are often coated innonstick chemicals that have been linked to thyroid disease, male infertility, and high cholesterol. Plus, companies sometimes add artificial colors and flavoring to microwavable popcorn. 

Moneysaving Workaround: Buy organic popcorn kernels, melt a little butter or drizzle a little olive oil in a pot, and pop on your stovetop. Alternatively, you can create your own, less-toxic microwavable popcorn. (Watch this video to see how!)

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The Rip-Off: Antibacterial Soaps

The Problem: Triclosan, the chemical pesticide used in many antibacterial soaps, has been linked to thyroid damage, hormone disruption, and the creation of hard-to-kill superbug infections

Moneysaving Workaround: The Food & Drug Administration and many medical associations assure that washing your hands with regular (not antibacterial) soap and water is the most effective way to kill germs. If that's not an option, look foralcohol-based hand sanitizers with an alcohol content of at least 60 percent. Triclosan is used in many products, including pillowcases, socks, andback-to-school supplies, so avoid those claiming to be "antimicrobial" and products treated with Microban, which could contain triclosan.

The Rip-Off: Chemical Pesticides

The Problem: Chemical weed and bug killers have been linked to everything from certain cancers, ADHD, and autism to Parkinson's disease, lower IQs, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis—among other ailments. And as we continue to use millions of pounds of these chemicals every year, they stop working. For instance, many Roundup-resistant superweedsare popping up across the country. Recently, the EPA halted the sale of DuPont's popular lawn-care chemical, Imrelis, for its role in millions of dollars' worth of tree deaths. 

Moneysaving Workaround: If you want to manage weeds in your yard, start by adjusting your mowing routine. Make sure your lawnmower deck is at least three inches high, and build soil fertility by applying a quarter-inch of high-quality compost to your green lawn at least once a year. For more ideas, check out 7 Quick, Easy Lawn and Garden Fixes That Will Wow Your Weekend Guests. For bug problems, tap our Indoor Pest Control section for safer ways to deal with roaches, silverfish, bedbugs, and other household pests.

The Rip-Off: Wrinkle-Resistant Clothing

The Problem: Manufacturers coat clothing fabric with carcinogenic formaldehyde, which creates a wrinkle-resistant finish.

Moneysaving Workaround: Avoid clothing claiming to be wrinkle resistant, and instead add a quarter-cup of white vinegar during your washing machine's rinse cycle, and remove clothing from the dryer and hang it up as soon as it's finished drying. Hanging clothing up to dry also cuts back on wrinkles. Steam-cleaning is another less-toxic option. 

The Rip-Off: Air Fresheners

The Problem: Air fresheners, such as sprays, plug-ins, and gels, are usually created with a cocktail of chemicals that, ironically, actually pollute your indoor air. Chemicals in air fresheners have been linked to cancer, asthma, allergies, and hormone disruption. 

Moneysaving Workaround: Avoid the source of the smell, and set out a bowl of white vinegar to eradicate lingering odors. And don't turn to expensive scented candles to clear the air—they often cause the same problems as air fresheners. (Beeswax and soy candles scented with organic, pure essential oils are a healthier option.

The Rip-Off: Nonstick Kitchenware

The Problem: As with microwavable bags, many nonstick pots and pans and other kitchen products are coated with a chemical known asPFOA

Moneysaving Workaround: Once your pots and pans start to scratch and chip, choose safer cookware, such as uncoated stainless steel, glass, or made-in-the-USA cast iron.

The Rip-Off: Bottled Beverages

The Problem: A study published earlier this year found that all plastics used as food and beverage wraps and containers are bad for us. Every type tested showed leaching of estrogenic chemicals, which cause hormone disruption. Plus, it's expensive to keep buying bottled water when the stuff coming out of your tap is generally just as good, or even better. 

Moneysaving Workaround: Invest in a high-qualitywater filter that removes chlorine and drink from your tap. If you're on the go, make the one-time investment in a safe water bottle made of food-grade stainless steel or glass (we like Klean Kanteen and ones from the Bamboo Bottle Company) to avoid exposure to toxic plastic chemicals.

The Rip-Off: Stain-Repellent Fabrics

The Problem: Furniture and carpeting advertised as "stain repellent" are often more expensive, and are coated with a class of toxic chemicals linked to male infertility and thyroid disease. 

Moneysaving Workaround: If a stain strikes, deal with it ASAP, but never rub it in! Instead, blot or vacuum, then use the proper natural treatment using our stain guide.

The Rip-Off: Household Cleaners

The Problem: Store-bought household cleaners aren't required to disclose ingredients, and many contain harsh perfumes and solvents that can trigger allergies and asthma. Some cleaners also contain hormone-disrupting chemicals and carcinogens. 

Moneysaving Workaround: To make an effective all-purpose cleaner for pennies, mix 9 parts water to 1 part white vinegar in a spray bottle, and check out our other green cleaning recipes.

The Rip-Off: Dry Cleaning

The Problem: The government links the popular dry-cleaning chemical perchloroethylene (PCE, or perc) as a probable carcinogen. This isn't something you want wafting from your closet. 

Moneysaving Workaround: For dry-cleaning alternatives for different types of fabric, check outDry Clean Only? Nah, There Are Cheaper, Safer Ways.

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