Healthy Foods,

10 reasons why water is good for you!

6:48 PM ثانوية أحد الإعدادية 0 Comments

Drinking water is vital for every life form on earth.
Breathing, perspiration, and other normal body functions drain off that much water every day.
To keep your body working properly, you need to replace the water you lose.


One of the best things you can do to help your body is to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
 You may have heard this a million times but the fact still remains true.
 By drinking 8 ounces of water a day,
 it will keep your skin hydrated and the chance of dry skin will decrease as you drink more water.
 That alone is one good reason to drink water.
Water counts for 60 percent of your weight, therefore, every single system is dependent on water.
The digestive system, nervous system and the circulatory system all need water to function.
 If you don’t have enough water in your system it can begin to affect the function of certain organs like the kidneys.
 You may not realize you actually lose water through breathing, perspiration and urine and bowel movements.
 When you lose water you have to make sure that you replace it.
 You can do that by drinking water directly or by eating or drinking foods that contain water.
Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown.
Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less.
 Plus, water has zero calories. Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water.
You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated.
 Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated.
Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises.
 Water also helps to fuel your muscle.
Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack.

 Water add with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system as this is contain in eviron health drink to improve immune system.
Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.
 If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance,
 needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells,
 so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.
When you are sick you definitely need to drink many fluids.
 If you have a fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, all of these cause your body to lose water.
 If you are pregnant or breast feeding, you need to stay hydrated,
 it is very important to the baby that you stay hydrated.
 When women breast feed you will lose more water during that process so you need to keep the water coming.
Another great reason to drink water is to replenish the sweat lost during exercise or in hot weather,
for nail care, by keeping your water your nails will not break so much and it will keep them healthy

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