
8 Proven Strategies For Maximum Muscle Gains

1:55 AM ثانوية أحد الإعدادية 0 Comments

Most of the prospective bodybuilders get confused when they encounter numerous conflicting suggestions and ridiculous information related to bodybuilding. This article provides some basic guidelines to the novice fitness enthusiasts who face difficulty in deciding from where to start. The eight tips discussed in this article will give the right direction to the readers in their muscle building pursuit:

1) Exercise with free weights and focus on compound workouts:  The workouts that simultaneously stimulate a number of muscle fiber groups are known as the compound exercises. The examples of compound workouts include bench press, overhead press, barbell row, chin up, deadlift, squat, dip and lunge. The compound movements allow you to substantially increase the resistance stimulating numerous muscle fibers. The free weights enhance the effects of compound movements by involving the supporting synergistic muscles as well.

2) There is no substitute for hard work: The intensity level of the training makes all the difference between moderate muscle building and serious gains in body building. You must exercise at high intensity to the point of muscle failure and stimulate the muscle fibers to the maximum in order to gain muscle mass. Muscle failure is the condition when you can no longer complete your reps in the proper form. If you use moderate training intensity, be prepared to accept moderate results in muscle building.

3) Record your weekly performance in the gym: The muscle building process is nothing but the adaptive response of the body to its external environment. The muscle fibers of the body are strained and stressed during the workout routine and therefore, the body responds by repairing the damage and stimulating the growth of stronger muscle fibers. You can achieve stronger growth and muscle mass by progressively increasing your workout intensity every week. You can either increase the intensity of your weight lifting or simply perform more reps of your exercises to gradually challenge the muscles of your body. The weekly logs of your performance can be very helpful in planning the workout intensity of your fitness program. The recorded progress over time will also improve the motivation level.

4) Avoid Overtraining: As far as muscle building is concerned, overtraining is extremely harmful and can ruin any progress achieved in body building. Most of the guys trying to build muscle mass tend to over exercise under the misconception that more is better or the enthusiasm of spending more time in the gym results on overexertion.
You must understand that if you start overtraining your muscles, you will turn your goal of muscle building into a fragile dream that will vanish more quickly than you can imagine. The muscle building process takes place while you are eating and resting outside the gym against the stimulant received inside the gym.  The muscle building takes place during the recovery process, and you must allow sufficient rest periods between the workouts in order to allow the muscles to grow.

5) Eat More Frequently: The proper nutrition is extremely important in muscle building and many guys neglect their nutritional intake, which apparently becomes more important in light of the damage sustained by the muscles during the workout routine. If you don’t allow proper nutrition to your body how can you expect that your muscles will recover and strengthened as a response to environmental stimulation provided in the gym. You must keep your body in the anabolic state (muscle building state) by taking short meals on every 2 – 3 hours throughout the day taking around 5 – 7 meals each day. There is no need to say that your meal should contain sufficient quantities of complex carbohydrates and high-quality protein.

6) Increase Your Protein Intake: The protein constitutes the building blocks of the body. The proteins are the most significant constituent of nutrition for the people who desire to build strong muscle and gain muscle mass. The protein contains the vital building and repairing codes in almost every single cell of the 30 trillion cells that make your body.  It’s just impossible  to synthesize the cells of lean muscle fibers if your body lacks in sufficient protein. Every prospective bodybuilder must consume sufficient amounts of high-quality  proteins in order to support the muscle building process. Generally, you will need 1 – 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight. The high-quality  sources of protein include milk, eggs, fish, poultry, beef, cottage cheese and peanut butter.

7) Increase Your Water Intake: sufficient water intake is also extremely important for maximum muscle building. You can realize the importance of water by considering the fact that muscles contain 70 percent water. The research has indicated that if your body suffers 3 -4 percent loss of water, the muscle contraction takes place by 10 -20 percent. Sufficient intake of water not only keeps your muscle fuller and vascular but also improves its strength. In order to support optimal muscle building, you must consume at least 0.6 ounces of water for every pound of your body weight.

8) Be Consistent: your consistency is the key to success. Your knowledge on diet and training is not sufficient; you need to apply your knowledge in the most consistent manner. The people who consistently implement their weight gain program are rewarded with impressive muscle building and massive improvements in muscle mass and strength.
Finally, you need to understand that numerous small steps induce the cumulative effects of muscle building. The single workout on a particular day or the richest diet consumed during any dinner will not lead to any perceptible muscle building. However, these single efforts will have cumulative repercussions in the form of impressive body building success over a period of time. If you can remain consistent in your weight gain program incorporating the above-mentioned suggestions, you will turn your distant dreams into hard reality by getting massive muscle mass and strength.

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